New mom vibes – Day 3 of 30 – #30daysblogmarathon

‘What is it like being a new mom?’ or some version of this question is something I often get asked nowadays. Obviously!

It would be remiss of me to do a blog marathon and not seize the opportunity to pen my thoughts on this.

So here are some of the things I can equate being a new mom to! Being a new mom is :

1. waiting 9 months to open a lifetime of surprises!
2. taking your fully normal and routine life and putting it through the kitchen blender to blitz it all up!
3. making grand plans on how you’ll spend the maternity leave only to find that it’s basically a breastfeeding vacation and that there’ll be little else you’ll be able to do besides being caught in a never-ending feed-sleep-change-repeat cycle!
4. having newfound respect for the kangaroo!
5. making you appreciate clocks all over again because without them, day and night seem all the same!
6. being given a 5000 piece puzzle set without the reference image or being gifted the latest technology gadget without the instruction manual!
7. making everything you ever knew about babies seem like a screen saver!
8. behaving like the circus clown to elicit just one teeny weeny smile from your baby!
9. upgrading your patience levels from zero to Zen!
10. learning to differentiate between the different types of your baby’s cries – food, sleep, pee/poo, boredom, too hot/cold, wants to be cuddled, just doesn’t want to be put down!
11. celebrating the little little developments of your baby with grand joy (Oh! My baby made spit bubbles today! He’s growing up!)
12. getting a PhD in the colour-consistency chart of baby poo!
13. unabashedly obsessing over your baby’s cuteness!
14. obsessing over his growth (I hope his weight is okay; oh his cheeks seem a little less chubby today!)
15. learning to plan your entire day in two-hour slots!
16. waiting till your baby sleeps to do what you want and then end up spending the entire time he is asleep worrying that he will wake up so not getting anything done anyway!
17. convincing yourself that your baby has finally settled into a routine only to be fooled!
18. making watching your baby sleep seem like a perfectly legit and productive activity for the sheer joy it brings!
19. pursuing insane levels of creativity in devising new ways to keep your baby engaged!
20. learning that no matter how much you read or how much you rely on other people’s experiences, your journey with your baby is unique!
21. feeling your heart skip a beat when he snuggles close to you in his sleep!
22. feeling jubilant when he throws his arms at you choosing you to carry him from among everyone else in the room!
23. feeling proud when you can make him stop crying when others have failed!
24. looking back on life before the baby and despite all its allure, realising that you would choose the baby every single time!
25. learning that having a baby is a gift that keeps giving!

Expect more posts on my journey through mommyhood throughout this #30daysblogmarathon!

If you have / have had / are expecting a baby/babies – let me know what being a parent means to you in the comments!

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